Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion anime download |
Plot Summary:
In the year 2015, the Angels, huge, tremendously powerful, alien war machines, appear in Tokyo for the second time. The only hope for Mankind's survival lies in the Evangelion, a humanoid fighting machine developed by NERV, a special United Nations agency. Capable of withstanding anything the Angels can dish out, the Evangelion's one drawback lies in the limited number of people able to pilot them. Only a handful of teenagers, all born fourteen years ago, nine months after the Angels first appeared, are able to interface with the Evangelion. One such teenager is Ikari Shinji, whose father heads the NERV team that developed and maintains the Evangelion. Thrust into a maelstrom of battle and events that he does not understand, Shinji is forced to plumb the depths of his own inner resources for the courage and strength to not only fight, but to survive, or risk losing everything.
[source: AniDB]
Episode Listings:
- Episode 1- Angel Attack!
Episode 2- Unfamiliar Ceiling / The Beast
Episode 3- A Transfer The Phone That Never Rings
Episode 4- Rain, Escape & Afterwards - Hedgehog`s Dilemma
Episode 5- Rei Beyond her Heart
Episode 6- Showdown in Tokyo 3
Episode 7- The Human Creation
Episode 8- Asuka Strikes!
Episode 9- With One Accord in a Flash
Episode 10- Magma Diver
Episode 11- In the Still Darkness
Episode 12- The Value of a Miracle is...
Episode 13- Angel Invasion
Episode 14- Seele, Throne of Souls
Episode 15- Lie and Silence
Episode 16- Sickness Unto Death and...
Episode 17- The Fourth Child
Episode 18- The Judgement of Life
Episode 19- A Mans Fight
Episode 20- Form of the Mind, Form of the Man
Episode 21- The Birth of NERV
Episode 22- At Least, be Humane
Episode 23- Rei III
Episode 24- The Final Messenger
Episode 25- The World Ending
Episode 26- The Beast that Shouted `I` at the Heart of the World
NOTE: To be able to play these episodes please download Real Player V 11.0 and make sure you change your systems current year to 2007 to install this player
Just rename the extension of the videos to .rm to play with any other compatible media player
Download: Mediafire Links
- Episode 1: Mediafire
Episode 2: Mediafire
Episode 3: Mediafire
Episode 4: Mediafire
Episode 5: Mediafire
Episode 6: Mediafire
Episode 7: Mediafire
Episode 8: Mediafire
Episode 9: Mediafire
Episode 10: Mediafire
Episode 11: Mediafire
Episode 12: Mediafire
Episode 13: Mediafire
Episode 14: Mediafire
Episode 15: Mediafire
Episode 16: Mediafire
Episode 17: Mediafire
Episode 18: Mediafire
Episode 19: Mediafire
Episode 20: Mediafire
Episode 21: Mediafire
Episode 22: Mediafire
Episode 23: Mediafire
Episode 24: Mediafire
Episode 25: Mediafire
Episode 26: Mediafire
Episodes are encoded and uploaded by my friend Vigneshwaran thanks to him :)
what about episode 7?
thanx man
Evangelion was the first anime I saw. Incredible..thanks :)
Your welcome and enjoy the series
They are all dead now.
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