Full Metal Panic
Plot Summary:
The anime series originally aired in 2002, produced by Gonzo Digimation, after its real premiere date was canceled because of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York. The series was licensed for North American release in 2003 by ADV Films, and the manga released by ADV Manga. The first three of the novels form the basis for the Full Metal Panic! anime.
The animated series follows the events and relationships surrounding Sousuke Sagara, a professional soldier of a covert, international, anti-terrorist mercenary group named Mithril, and Kaname Chidori, a spirited Japanese high school student that, unbeknownst to her, is more than she seems.
Due to his Japanese heritage and young age, Sgt. Sousuke Sagara is selected to go undercover as a transfer student and secretly remain Kaname's undetected bodyguard. With orders only to protect her from abduction by an unknown hostile force, neither Sousuke nor his two fellow Mithril soldiers assigned to the mission—Sgt. Kurz Weber and Sgt. Major Melissa Mao—are told any further details except to remain undetected and avoid drawing attention to their charge.
- Episode 1 The Guy I Kinda Like is a Sergeant
- Episode 2 I Want to Protect You
- Episode 3 Lingerie Panic
- Episode 4 Kidnap
- Episode 5 Whispered - The Ones to Be Whispered
- Episode 6 Still Alive
- Episode 7 Boy Meets Girl
- Episode 8 Part Time Steady
- Episode 9 Dangerous Safe House
- Episode 10 Run, Run, Run
- Episode 11 Behemoth Awakens
- Episode 12 One Night Stand
- Episode 13 A Cat and a Kittens Rock and Roll
- Episode 14 Is Narashino Burning?
- Episode 15 The Wind That Blows at Home - Part 1
- Episode 16 The Wind That Blows at Home - Part 2
- Episode 17 The Wind That Blows at Home - Part 3
- Episode 18 Deep-Sea Party
- Episode 19 Engage 6 7
- Episode 20 Venom`s Fire
- Episode 21 Deep Trap
- Episode 22 Jack in the Box
- Episode 23 Giant`s Field
- Episode 24 Into the Blue
NOTE: To be able to play these episodes please download Real Player V 11.0 and make sure you change your systems current year to 2007 to install this player
Just rename the extension of the videos to .rm to play with any other compatible media playerLanguage: English Dubbed
Format: RMVB
Size: 40-45 MB each
NOTE: To be able to play these episodes please download Real Player V 11.0 and make sure you change your systems current year to 2007 to install this player
- Episode 1- Mediafire
- Episode 2- Mediafire
- Episode 3- Mediafire
- Episode 4- Mediafire
- Episode 5- Mediafire
- Episode 6- Mediafire
- Episode 7- Mediafire
- Episode 8- Mediafire
- Episode 9- Mediafire
- Episode 10- Mediafire
- Episode 11- Mediafire
- Episode 12- Mediafire
- Episode 13- Mediafire
- Episode 14- Mediafire
- Episode 15- Mediafire
- Episode 16- Mediafire
- Episode 17- Mediafire
- Episode 18- Mediafire
- Episode 19- Mediafire
- Episode 20- Mediafire
- Episode 21- Mediafire
- Episode 22- Mediafire
- Episode 23- Mediafire
- Episode 24- Mediafire
1st links its not WORKING SAD PLZ FIX
yes i know, all the episodes are deleted by the DMC shit i am sad as well :(
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